Biology, 19.11.2020 04:00 DivineMemes420

What are some examples of reduction division?

Answers: 2

Another question on Biology

Biology, 21.06.2019 20:00
Microorganisms are involved in each of the following processes excepta. smog production.b. food production.c. infection.d. o2 production.e. decomposition of organic material.
Answers: 1
Biology, 21.06.2019 23:50
Legumes, a type of plant, require rhizobia, a type of soil bacteria, to survive since these organisms fix nitrogen during photosynthesis. rhizobia use the legumes for food. what would most likely happen to the legume population if rhizobia suddenly became extinct?
Answers: 2
Biology, 22.06.2019 02:40
Svetlana and her mother are very similar. both have blonde hair, a love of scrapbooking, blue eyes, and a thin nose. which statement  most likely  describes svetlana’s traits? svetlana inherited her love of scrapbooking from her mother, but her blue eyes come from her environment.svetlana inherited her blue eyes from her mother, but her love of scrapbooking comes from her environment.svetlana inherited her thin nose from her mother, but her blonde hair comes from her environment.svetlana inherited her blonde hair from her mother, but her thin nose comes from her environment.
Answers: 1
Biology, 22.06.2019 12:30
Which of the following matches the organisms described with the correct domain? a. archaea--multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that do not have cell walls b. eukarya--single-celled and multicellular organisms, with a defined nucleus and a variety of nutritional sources c. bacteria--unicellular, eukaryotic organisms with cell walls that do not contain peptidoglycan d. bacteria--unicellular, eukaryotic organisms that always lack cell walls
Answers: 3
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What are some examples of reduction division?...
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