Biology, 31.01.2020 20:05 Bra1nPowers

An ice cube weighing one gram is placed in a closed insulated container with 9 grams of water at 20 degrees celsius (68 f). after 24 hours have elapsed, the container will hold (1) ten grams of water (2) one gram of ice and nine grams of water (3) five grams of ice and five grams of water (4)nine grams of ice and one gram of water (5) ten grams of ice

Answers: 2

Another question on Biology

Biology, 21.06.2019 22:30
Which organisms have pharyngeal arches that develop from all three germ layers and go through the same development stages as embryos? 1.bird 2.ladybug 3.starfish 4.snake
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There are fewer than 100 naturally occurring elements in the universe, but there are millions of different unified substances. explain how this can be true.
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Biology, 22.06.2019 11:00
Draw the farm's ppf for corn and beef. draw a point that shows an inefficient combination of corn and beef. label ita. draw a point that shows an unattainable combination of corn and beef. label itb. draw a point that shows an efficient combination of corn and beef. label itc.
Answers: 2
Biology, 22.06.2019 19:50
What happens to the amount of waste in the pond as the ecosystem ages?
Answers: 3
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An ice cube weighing one gram is placed in a closed insulated container with 9 grams of water at 20...
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