Chemistry, 11.04.2020 03:23 nessuhbae6731

PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT: Practice Calculations
Use the data provided to complete the following calculations in your lab notebook:
Mass of empty crucible
Mass of crucible + hydrate 26.70 g
(before heating)
Mass of crucible + anhydrous salt 25.82 g
(after first heating)
Mass of crucible + anhydrous salt 25.81 g
(after second heating)
a. Determine the mass of hydrate used.
Mass of hydrate - (Mass of crucible + hydrate before heating) - (Mass of empty crucible)
b. Determine the mass of anhydrous salt.
Mass of anhydrous salt - (Mass of crucible + anhydrous salt after final heating) - (Mass of empty
c. Determine the mass of water.
Mass of water - (Mass of hydrate)- (Mass of anhydrous salt)
d. Determine the percentage of water in the hydrate.
% water - Mass of water x 100
Mass of hydrate

Answers: 1

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For a family dinner, jose’s mom baked a loaf of bread. during the meal, his grandmother commented, β€œthis bread is so dense! ” what do you think his grandmother meant by the word dense? you have some ideas regarding density already, but this experiment will enrich your understanding of the relationship between mass, volume and the density of objects. when making measurements in this experiment we will be using si units, the international system of units. the purpose of using si units is to have the ability to communicate and compare data results with other experiments without having to make conversions. measurement symbol si unit length m meter mass kg kilogram volume l liters density kg/l kilograms per liter any calculations that are performed during this experiment will ultimately be reported in scientific notation. recall that scientific notation is extremely important when we have data that is extremely small or large. scientists rely on a standard form of communication to quickly make hypotheses and judgements based on data. what is the density of block a? a0kg/l what is the density of block b? a1kg/l what is the density of block c? a2kg/l what is the density of block d? a3kg/l what is the density of block e? a4kg/l which block is the densest? a5
Answers: 1
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PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT: Practice Calculations
Use the data provided to complete the following calc...
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