History, 20.09.2020 04:01 alyviariggins

What was the significance of the battle at Fort necessity A. British defeated the French and went on to claim Fort Duquesne
B. The battle ended the French and Indian War
C. The battle ended in a stalemate but with heavy losses on both sides
D. It was one of the first battles of the French and Indian war

Answers: 2

Another question on History

History, 22.06.2019 01:30
Read these lines from "o captain! my captain! ". o the bleeding drops of red, where on the deck my captain lies, fallen cold and dead. how does whitman use the extended metaphor to refer to lincoln’s death? a. whitman compares lincoln’s death to what the death for all the soldiers was like. b. whitman compares lincoln’s death to the loss of one of the army generals. c.whitman compares lincoln’s death to the loss of losing a family member in the war. d. whitman compares lincoln’s tragic death to a captain lying dead on the deck of his ship.
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 04:30
"august 19th (1864)- how they quarreled and wrangled among themselves- alabama and mississippi, all were loud for joe johnston, save and except the long-haired, one-armed hero, who cried at the top of his voice: "oh! you all want to be kept in trenches and to go on retreating, eh? " "oh, if we had had a leader, such as stonewall (jackson), this war would have been over long ago! what we want is a leader! " shouted a (wounded man). they were awfully smashed-up, objects of misery, wounded, maimed, diseased. i was really upset, and came home ill. this kind of thing unnerves me quite." mary chestnut, a diary from dixie this entry from the diary of mary chestnut illustrates a) the lack of medical technology possessed by the confederacy. b) the military superiority of southern troops in the civil war. c) the effects of the emancipation proclamation on the southern economy and society. d) the loss of morale and confidence by the confederacy towards the end of the civil war.
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 06:00
What was the name of the totalitarian party in italy? a. nazib. communistsc. fascists d. socialist
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 08:40
Why were the chang and xi rivers important to china’s development? a. they keep invaders out. c. they kept china isolated. b. they provided a route for ships to travel inland. d. they provided boundaries for the different political sections
Answers: 1
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What was the significance of the battle at Fort necessity A. British defeated the French and went o...
Mathematics, 12.08.2020 07:01
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