Mathematics, 25.09.2020 15:01 kingoc321

The figure below shows a partially-completed set of steps to construct figure PQRS: Two sides of a parallelogram PQRS are drawn. PQ makes an acute angle with the horizontal side QR. QR extends to the left, and an arc is drawn that cuts this extended line at L and the side QP at M. An arc of the same measure and the same orientation as arc LM is drawn from point R and intersects QR extended at N.

The next step is to construct side RS of the figure so that side RS is congruent to side PQ and angle PQR is congruent to angle SRN. The chart below shows the steps each of the four students took to draw side RS of the figure:

Student 1 Fix the compass at L, and adjust its width to point M. Without changing the width of the compass, move the compass to R and draw an arc. Draw a line segment from R that passes through T and intersects the arc at S.
Student 2 Fix the compass at M, and adjust its width to point L. Without changing the width of the compass, move the compass to N and draw an arc that cuts the previous arc at T. Adjust the width of the compass equal to PQ. Fix the compass at R and draw an arc. Draw a line segment from R that passes through T and intersects the second arc at S.
Student 3 Fix the compass at Q, and adjust its width to point P. Without changing the width of the compass, move the compass to R and draw an arc. Using the same width, fix the compass at N and draw an arc that intersects the previous arc at T. Draw a line segment from R that passes through T and intersects the arc at S.
Student 4 Fix the compass at L, and adjust its width to point P. Without changing the width of the compass, move the compass to R and draw an arc that intersects QR at T. Draw a line segment from R that passes through T and intersects the arc at S.

Which student used the correct steps to construct parallelogram PQRS?
Student 2
Student 1
Student 4
Student 3

The figure below shows a partially-completed set of steps to construct figure PQRS:

Two sides of

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The figure below shows a partially-completed set of steps to construct figure PQRS: Two sides of a...
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