Physics, 03.12.2019 22:31 tinktkinkdavis7340

7. a 1.0-kg box accelerates from rest in a straight line across a frictionless surface for 20. s as depicted in the force vs. time graph to the right. (a) find the time taken for the object to reach a speed of 5.0 m/s b)determine the boxes velocity at the 15s time

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 21.06.2019 21:30
Write the equation for momentum, first using symbols for the variables, then using words for the variables.
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 17:30
Aball thrown by ginger is moving upward through the air. diagram a shows a box with a downward arrow. diagram b shows a box with an upward arrow. diagram c shows a box with a downward and upward arrow equal in size. diagram d shows a box with a downward and upward arrow with the downward arrow larger in size. which force diagram represents the forces on the ball? you may neglect the effects of air resistance.
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 22:00
Aparticle of mass m is placed in a one-dimensional box of length l. the box is so small that the particle’s motion is relativistic, so that e p2/2m is not valid. (a) derive an expression for the energy levels of the particle using the relativistic energy–momentum relation and the quantization of momentum that derives from connement. (b) if the particle is an electron in a box of length l 1.00 1012 m, nd its lowest possible kinetic energy. by what percent is the nonrelativistic formula for the energy in error?
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 23:30
Using a caesar cypher with an offset of three characters (a -> d, b -> e, z -> c), what would be the correct cypher text for the plain text "attack at dawn"?
Answers: 1
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7. a 1.0-kg box accelerates from rest in a straight line across a frictionless surface for 20. s as...
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