
Alienated page 2 BRIAN: (Enters) My group is here. (Points to the left table.) Right this way.
WALLACE: (Enters) Quite a collection of students tonight. There's nothing I enjoy more than sparkling conversation with interesting people! (ERIKA enters in dark clothes. She draws on a sketchpad.) What are you drawing? (ERIKA ignores him. TREVOR enters wearing a snow hat and headphones.) What are you listening to? (TREVOR ignores him. ABBY enters, writing in a notebook.) What are you writing? (ABBY writes and ignores him. WALLACE smiles.) Art! Music! Literature! I don't know where to start!
SERENA: (To CAMMIE) Or when to stop.
(GRACE enters. She wears a band shirt. One of her arms is in a sling. One foot is wrapped in a bandage. She stumbles to a table and ends up next to TREVOR. She lets out a tiny shriek.)
GRACE: (To CAMMIE and SERENA) Do I have to sit by that guy?
SERENA: Any spot over there will be fine. It doesn't matter who sits next to who.
AMANDA: (Enters, snootily correcting SERENA's grammar.) Who sits next to whom. (AMANDA finds a seat. GRACE follows her. TREVOR moves away from the girls and sits in the corner.)
BRIAN: (To SERENA) Your normal kids are just outside.
SERENA: (Eager to get away) I'll go get them.
BRIAN: (Shows CAMMIE his list.) My group's all here except for this Rosalind girl.
CAMMIE: No one knows where she is?
BRIAN: No one knows who she is. Not even that little sno. op who writes everything in her notebook.
ABBY: (Entering and eavesdropping) Little sno. op? That's what you think of me? I have a few thoughts about you, too, Brian. (Points to her notebook.) Better hope you don't give me a reason to reveal them.
SERENA: (Enters with students.) Thanks for coming. Grab a seat right over there. (Points to middle table.)
TINA: I hope this doesn't take too long. I've been so busy with calculus homework and chemistry labs, I haven't been able to finish my historical fiction novel.
ERIN: (Reading as she walks) You're reading an historical fiction novel, too?
TINA: No. I'm writing one.
ALLEN: (Overhearing, then bragging) Yeah. I have a couple of books I haven't been able to finish.
LIZ: (To ALLEN) What's the matter? Did you lose your crayons?
HILLARY: (Into her cell phone) Thanks for the ride. I'll call you when I'm done. I love you. (She hangs up.)
ASHLEY: Your boy. friend?
HILLARY: My mother. (She places her phone daintily into her purse.)
LAWRENCE: (Bounding in) Stop right there! I know exactly what's going on, and I will not be a party to such shenanigans! (Dramatically) I am marching out that door. If any of you have a single shred of dignity, you will march behind me. Farewell! (He exits then jogs in and bows.) Thank you very much. Just working on my audition for the school play. (Leaning to SERENA) I always get a lead.
SERENA: (Not impressed) Why don't you get a seat?
KATIE: (Entering) The Inner Circle is here. And they're kind of anxious to be somewhere else. (The students enter and move to the right table.)
BRITNEY: I have a date.
ISABEL: I have a party.
TASHA: I have a date and a party.
ASHLEY: That's a pretty busy night.
TASHA: For you, maybe. For me, it's kind of slow.
DARBY: We may not all have plans for tonight. But some of us have pretty busy mornings.
MELISSA: I have a student government meeting an hour before school.
DAN: I've got football practice at 7 a. m.
LLOYD: I've got some cartoons to watch, some Captain Crunch to munch on, and two classes to skip so I can catch a nap before lunch.
SERENA: (To CAMMIE, looking for a cue) Are we ready to begin then?
CAMMIE: (Looking at the list) There's still one person missing.
ROSALIND: (Bounds in.) Sorry! Sorry I'm late!
TASHA: (Gives her a skeptical look.) Who are you?
ROSALIND: Rosalind. Rosalind Wells. (Catching her breath)
TASHA: Why are you here?
ROSALIND: Same reason as everyone else. The big photo of all the homegrown seniors. (To everyone) It's hard to believe we've all been in the same class since kindergarten.
TASHA: (To everyone) I've never seen this girl in my entire life.
ROSALIND: I don't usually hang out with the popular… (Sees the popular kids. She acts like a fan meeting real celebrities. She runs to MELISSA.) President girl! I voted for you! (Notices BRITNEY.) Homecoming queen! I voted for you, too. Not in the same election of course. (Runs to DARBY) TV newsgirl! I watch you every morning! What's that phrase you always say at the beginning of the broadcast?
DARBY: (Slowly and nervously) Please stand for the pledge to our flag?

Answers: 1

Another question on Advanced Placement (AP)

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Camila took an interest inventory in her career explorations class. read her description of the results of the assessment. which two phrases clearly reveal her career interests? when i took the interest inventory in my career explorations class, it revealed that even though i really value the (1.) balance between work and home life, i like an (2.) engaging atmosphere at work, where i can stay busy. based on my (3.) fascination with technology, i should work in a field with computers. based on my (4.) attraction to working with mechanics, i should be working with machines. this leads me to believe that i should be working in robotics, which sounds like a lot of fun! (options are listed with the numbers 1-4)
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Why is the continental divide important?
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Alienated page 2 BRIAN: (Enters) My group is here. (Points to the left table.) Right this way.
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