
What is the function of a clock for a cpu?

Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 19:30
Assignment directions the owner of a popular local coffee shop has approached you to design a network for his business. he would like to offer his customers wifi access to the internet, but also thinks it might be handy to network the kitchen and store room together with the office computer he already uses for ordering, scheduling, and payroll. he thinks that might save him time doing inventory control and ordering. your assignment is to create a set of questions for him that will precisely define the purpose of the network and any constraints and restrictions on its implementation. assignment guidelines create a list of at least ten questions to ask your customer. of those ten questions, at least one question must come from each of the following subject areas: purpose of the network network access and security issue network availability and fault tolerance issues future expansion issues vendor issues briefly explain in two or three sentences why you would ask each question and what you expect to learn from your customer’s response. submission requirements your questions should meet the criteria of a good survey question by being specific, unambiguous, and closed-ended. all questions, as well as your explanations, should be written in proper english using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. use complete sentences, and do not use slang, texting abbreviations, or shortcuts.
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 22:00
Problems: 1. using textbooks, reference books, and internet as your source of research, draw the following microprocessor microarchitectures i. intel 8086 ii. motorola 68000 i atmel atmega32 iv. mips single cycle v. arm cortex-m3 write an hdl module for a hexadecimal seven-segment display decoder. the input is 4-bit binary representing a hex number (0-f), and the output is 8-bit seven segment display bits (a-h). thus, the decoder must handle the digits 10 - 15 to display a-f respectively, in addition to 0-9 numbers. 2. design a 4-bit left and right rotator (both outputs). first sketch schematic diagrams of your design. then implement your design using hdl coding. 3. 4. design a modified priority encoder that receives an 8-bit input, a7: 0 and produces a 3-bit output, y2o. y indicates the most significant bit of the input that is true. y should be 0 if none of the inputs are true. give a simplified boolean equation, sketch a schematic, and write an hdl code. 5.write an 8: 1 multiplexer module called mux8 with selection inputs s, data input d, and data output y. data input (d) and data output (v) are 32-bit wide
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 01:50
Create a class named majors that includes an enumeration for the six majors offered by a college as follows: acc, chem, cis, eng, his, phys. display the enumeration values for the user, then prompt the user to enter a major. display the college division in which the major falls. acc and cis are in the business division, chem and phys are in the science division, and eng and his are in the humanities division. save the file as
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 01:30
How would you cite different books by the same author on the works cited page? moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. –––. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. –––. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print.
Answers: 2
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What is the function of a clock for a cpu?...
Mathematics, 22.06.2019 06:30
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