
The third programming project involves writing a program that draws two types of shapes, ovals and rectangles. This program consists of six classes. The first class is the Shape class, which is an abstract class that extends the predefined Java class Rectangle. It should contain two instance variables, the color of the shape and whether the shape is solid or hollow. It should also contain a class (static) variable that keeps track of how many shapes have been created.. It should have three instance methods, one class method and one abstract method:

1. A constructor that accepts three parameters for the purpose of initializing the characteristics of the shape, a Rectangle object that defines the dimensions and position of the shape, the color of the shape and whether the shape is solid or hollow. It should also update the number of shapes created so far.

2. An instance method named setColor that accepts the Graphics object as a parameter and sets the color for the next draw operation to the color of the current shape.

3. An instance method named getSolid that returns whether the shape is solid or hollow.

4. A class method named getNoOfShapes that returns the number of shapes created so far.

5. An abstract method named draw that accepts a Graphics object as a parameter.

The Shape class has two subclasses. The first is Oval. It should have the following two methods:
1. A constructor that accepts three parameters for the purpose of initializing the characteristics of the shape, a Rectangle object that defines the dimensions and position of the shape, the color of the shape and whether the shape is solid or hollow.
2. An overridden method draw that draws the Oval object on the Graphics object passed as a parameter.

The second subclass is Rectangular. It should have the following two methods:
1. A constructor that accepts three parameters for the purpose of initializing the characteristics of the shape, a Rectangle object that defines the dimensions and position of the shape, the color of the shape and whether the shape is solid or hollow.
2. An overridden method draw that draws the Rectangular object on the Graphics object passed as a parameter.

The fourth class is named Drawing, which should extend the predefined Java class JPanel. It has one instance variable that contains the shape that is currently drawn.. It should have three methods:
1. An overridden paintComponent method that draws the current shape on the Graphics object that is passed to it as a parameter. It should also draw the number of shapes that have been created thus far in the upper left corner.
2. An overridden getPreferredSize method that specifies the dimensions of the drawing panel as 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels high.
3. An instance method named drawShape that is passed the current shape to be drawn. It first checks whether the shape provided will completely fit within the panel. If not, it throws an OutsideBounds exception. Otherwise, it saves the shape in the corresponding instance variable. It then calls repaint to cause that shape to be drawn.

No additional public methods should be included in any of the above classes.
The fifth class named OutsideBounds should define a checked exception.
The sixth class named Project3 should contain the main method. It should generate the GUI shown below:

The combo-box for the shape type should allow two choices, either Rectangle or Oval. The combo-box for the fill type should also allow two choices, either Hollow or Solid. The combo-box for the color should allow seven choices, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue or Magenta.
Clicking the Draw button should first check whether any non integer values have been entered in any of the fields that require integers. If so, an error message should be displayed in a JOptionPane window. Otherwise an appropriate Shape object should be created and passed to the drawShape method of the Drawing class. If that call results in an OutsideBounds exception being thrown, an appropriate error message should be displayed in a JOptionPane window.
Be sure to follow good programming style, which means making all instance variables private, naming all constants and avoiding the duplication of code. Furthermore you must select enough different kinds of shapes to completely test the program.

Answers: 2

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Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 13:10
Calculating the "total price" of an item is tedious, so implement a get_item_cost method that just returns the quantity times the price for an item. by the way, the technical term for this kind of instance method is an accessor method, but you'll hear developers calling them getters because they always start with "get" and they get some value from instance attributes. in order to make the items sortable by their total total price, we need to customize our class. search the lectures slides for "magic" to see how to do this. see section 9.8 for an additional reference. the receipt class: this will be the class that defines our receipt type. obviously, a receipt will consist of the items on the receipt. this is called the composition design pattern. and it is very powerful. instance attributes: customer_name : it is very important to always know everything you can about your customers for "analytics", so you will keep track of a string customer name in objects of type receipt. date : the legal team has required that you keep track of the dates that purchases happen for "legal reasons", so you will also keep track of the string date in objects of type receipt. cart_items : this will be a list of the items in the cart and hence end up on the receipt. methods: 1. create a default constructor that can take a customer name as an argument, but if it gets no customer name, it will just put "real human" for the customer_name attribute. it should also accept a date argument, but will just use the value "today" for the date instance attribute if no date is given. the parameters should be named the same as the instance attributes to keep things simple. 2. add_item : self-descriptive. takes a parameter which we hope beyond hope is of type itemtopurchase and adds it to the cart_items. returns none. 3. print_receipt : takes a single parameter isevil, with default value true. returns a total cost of all the items on the receipt (remember to factor in the quantity). prints the receipt based on the following specification: for example, if isevil is true, and customer_name and date are the default values: welcome to evilmart, real human today have an evil day! otherwise, it should print: welcome to goodgo, real human today have an good day! then the receipt should be printed in sorted order like we discussed earlier, but whether or not it starts with the highest cost (think reverse), depends on the value of isevil. if it is evil, then the lowest cost items should print first, but if it is good, then it will print the highest cost items first. (cost meaning price*quantity). remember to return the total cost regardless! your main() function: the main flow of control of your program should go in a main() function or the program will fail all the unit tests. get the name of the customer with the prompt: enter customer name: get the date with the prompt: enter today's date then, ask the question: are you evil? your program should consider the following as true: yeah yup let's face it: yes hint: what do these strings all have in common? your program should consider all the following as false: no nah perhaps but i'm leaning no (just be glad you don't have to handle "yeah no.") okay enough horsing around. (get it? aggies? ! horsing! ) next, in the main() function, you will have to create a receipt object and start adding things into it using an input-while loop. the loop will prompt the user for the item name exactly as in the previous zylab (9.11). but unlike the previous zylab, the loop will terminate only if an empty string is entered for the item name. then, the price and the quantity will be prompted for exactly as in the previous zylab. create the itemtopurchase objects in the same manner as the previous zylab, but don't forget to add them to the receipt using your add_item instance method. then, the items on the receipt should be printed with the same formatting as in the previous zylab, of course with either "good" or "evil" ordering. however, on the last line, the total should be printed as follows: where 10 is replaced by the actual total. sample run here is what a sample run of the final program should look like: enter customer name: nate enter today's date: 12/20/2019 are you evil? bwahahahaha yes enter the item name: bottled student tears enter the item price: 2 enter the item quantity: 299 enter the item name: salt enter the item price: 2 enter the item quantity: 1 enter the item name: welcome to evilmart, nate 12/20/2019 have an evil day! salt 1 @ $2 = $2 bottled student tears 299 @ $2 = $598 total: $600
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The third programming project involves writing a program that draws two types of shapes, ovals and r...
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