
Figure 4-8
What are the names of these Illustrator Tools?

Figure 4-8
What are the names of these Illustrator Tools?

Answers: 2

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 22:00
Some of your friends have gotten into the burgeoning field of time-series data mining, in which one looks for patterns in sequences of events that occur over time. purchases at stock exchanges"what's being bought" are one source of data with a natural ordering in time. given a long sequence s of such events, your friends want an efficient way to detect certain "patterns" in them"for example, they may want to know if the four events buy yahoo, buy ebay, buy yahoo, buy oracle occur in this sequence s, in order but not necessarily consecutively. they begin with a collection of possible events (e.g., the possible transactions) and a sequence s of n of these events. a given event may occur multiple times in s (e.g., yahoo stock may be bought many times in a single sequence s). we will say that a sequence s is a subsequence of s if there is a way to delete certain of the events from s so that the remaining events, in order, are equal to the sequence s . so, for example, the sequence of four events above is a subsequence of the sequence buy amazon, buy yahoo, buy ebay, buy yahoo, buy yahoo, buy oracle their goal is to be able to dream up short sequences and quickly detect whether they are subsequences of s. so this is the problem they pose to you: give an algorithm that takes two sequences of events"s of length m and s of length n, each possibly containing an event more than once"and decides in time o(m + n) whether s is a subsequence of s.
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 14:40
For this assignment you have to write a c program that will take an infix expression as input and display the postfix expression of the input. after converting to the postfix expression, the program should evaluate the expression from the postfix and display the result. what should you submit? write all the code in a single file and upload the .c file. compliance with rules: ucf golden rules apply towards this assignment and submission. assignment rules mentioned in syllabus, are also applied in this submission. the ta and instructor can call any students for explaining any part of the code in order to better assess your authorship and for further clarification if needed. problem: we as humans write math expression in infix notation, e.g. 5 + 2 (the operators are written in-between the operands). in computer's language, however, it is preferred to have the operators on the right side of the operands, ie. 5 2 +. for more complex expressions that include parenthesis and multiple operators, a compiler has to convert the expression into postfix first and then evaluate the resulting postfix write a program that takes an "infix" expression as input, uses stacks to convert it into postfix expression, and finally evaluates it. it must support the following operations: + - / * ^ % ( example infix expression: (7-3)/(2+2) postfix expression: 7 3 2 2 result: rubric: 1) if code does not compile in eustis server: 0. 2) checking the balance of the parenthesis: 2 points 3) incorrect postfix expression per test case: -2 points 4) correct postfix but incorrect evaluation per test case: -i points 5) handling single digit inputs: maximum 11 points 6) handling two-digit inputs: 100 percent (if pass all test cases)
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 23:00
Suppose s, t, and w are strings that have already been created inside main. write a statement or statements, to be added to main, that will determine if the lengths of the three strings are in order by length, smallest to largest. that is, your code should determine if s is strictly shorter than t, and if t is strictly shorter than w. if these conditions hold your code should print (the boolean value) true. if not, your code should print false. (strictly means: no ties) example: if s, t, and w are "cat", "hats", and "skies" your code should print true - their lengths are 3-4-5; but if s, t, and w are "cats" "shirt", and "trust", then print false - their lengths are 4-5-5 enter your code in the box below
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 02:30
Research data that is presented using descriptive language is said to be
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Figure 4-8
What are the names of these Illustrator Tools?
Mathematics, 24.01.2020 01:31
Chemistry, 24.01.2020 01:31
Mathematics, 24.01.2020 01:31
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