
Below is Verilog code for the modules top and tangled. Write down its minimal expressions for the outputs top in terms of its inputs. module top ( input a, b,c, d,e, f,
output x, y,z, w,v );

tangled mess (.boo({a, b,c, d}), .foo({e, f}), .goo({x, y,z, w}), .moo(v));


module tangled ( input [3:0] boo,
input [1:0] foo,
output [3:0] goo,
output moo);

wire [7:0] web, spy;

assign web = {boo, foo, boo[3:2]};
assign spy = web & 8'd119;
assign goo = { &spy[3:0], |web[6:2], web[7], spy[5]};
assign moo = ~|(web ^ spy);


Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 17:20
The liang book has an example called which is a javafx application that reads the javabook database using a preparedstatement object. using it as a guide, create a similar application called findbooks. it will read a list of authors from the bookdb created in problem 1 and display them in a listview. if the user selects an author, it should display the author's book titles in a textarea.
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Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 22:30
Write a full class definition for a class named player , and containing the following members: a data member name of type string .a data member score of type int .a member function called setname that accepts a parameter and assigns it to name . the function returns no value.a member function called setscore that accepts a parameter and assigns it to score . the function returns no value.a member function called getname that accepts no parameters and returns the value of name .a member function called getscore that accepts no parameters and returns the value of score .this is what i have, aparently this is wrong: class player{private: string name; int score; public: void player: : setname (string n){name =n; }void player: : setscore (int s){score = s; }string player: : getname (){return name; }int player: : getscore (){return score; }};
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Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 02:50
Define a class named movie. include private fields for the title,year, and name of the director. include three public functions withprototypes void movie: : settitle(cstring); , voidmovie: : setyear(int); , void movie: : setdirector(string); . includeanother function that displays all the information about a movie.write a main() function that declares a movie object namedmyfavoritemovie. set and display the object's fields.this is what i have but know its wrong since it will notcompile: #include#includeusing namespace std; //class declarationclass movie{private: string movietitle ; string movieyear; string directorname; public: void settitle(string title); void setyear(string year); void setdirector(string director); void displayinfo(); }; //class implementationvoid movie: : settitle(string title){ movietitle = title; cout< < "what is the title of themovie? "< > temp; myfavoritemovie.settitle(temp); cout< < "enter movie year"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setyear(temp); cout< < "enter director'sname"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setdirector(temp); //display all the data myfavoritemovie.displayinfo(); system("pause"); return 0; this code is not entirely mine someone on cramster edited my firstcode but then i try manipulating the new code and i still get acompile error message : \documents\visual studio 2008\projects\movie\movie\movie.cpp(46) : error c2679: binary '< < ' : no operator found which takes aright-hand operand of type 'std: : string' (or there is no acceptableconversion)c: \program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio9.0\vc\include\ostream(653): could be'std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & std: : operator< < > (std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & ,const char *)w
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 21:50
Description: write function lastfirst() that takes one argument—a list of strings of the format "lastname, firstname" —and returns a list consisting of two lists: (a) a list of all the last names (b) a list of all the first names
Answers: 2
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Below is Verilog code for the modules top and tangled. Write down its minimal expressions for the ou...
Mathematics, 20.04.2020 21:46
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