Computers and Technology, 18.03.2021 01:20 clare07

Minimum-cost circulation In this problem, we consider a variant of the minimum-cost-flow problem from Section 29.2 in which we are not given a demand, a source, or a sink. Instead, we are given, as before, a flow network and edge costs a(u, v)a(u, v) flow is feasible if it satisfies the capacity constraint on every edge and flow conservation at every vertex. The goal is to find, among all feasible flows, the one of minimum cost. We call this problem the minimum-cost-circulation problem.
A. Formulate the minimum-cost-circulation problem as a linear program.
B. Suppose that for all edges (u, v) E E, we have a (u, v)> 0. Characterize an optimal solution to the minimum cost-circulation problem.
C. Formulate the maximum-flow problem as a minimum cost-circulation problem linear program. That is given a maximum-flow problem instance (V, E) with source s, sink t and edge capacities c, create a minimum-cost circulation (V',E) with edge problem by giving a (possibly different network G capacities c and edge costs a such that you can discern a solution to the maximum-flow problem from a solution to the minimum-cost-circulation prob- lem.
D. Formulate the single-source shortest-path problem as a minimum cost-circu- lation problem linear program.

Answers: 3

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 01:00
Program description: a c# app is to be created to produce morse code. the morse code assigns a series of dots and dashes to each letter of the alphabet, each digit, and a few special characters (such as period, comma, colon, and semicolon). in sound-oriented systems, the dot represents a short sound and the dash represents a long sound. separation between words is indicated by a space, or, quite simply, the absence of a dot or dash. in a sound-oriented system, a space is indicated by a short period of time during which no sound is transmitted. the international version of the morse code is stored in the data file morse.txt.
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 00:40
Consider the following statements: struct nametype{string first; string last; }; struct coursetype{string name; int callnum; int credits; char grade; }; struct studenttype{nametype name; double gpa; coursetype course; }; studenttype student; studenttype classlist[100]; coursetype course; nametype name; mark the following statements as valid or invalid. if a statement is invalid, explain why.a.) student.course.callnum = "csc230"; b.) cin > >; c.) classlist[0] = name; d.) classlist[1].gpa = 3.45; e.) name = classlist[15].name; f.) = name; g.) cout < < classlist[10] < < endl; h.) for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)classlist[j].name = name; i.) classlist.course.credits = 3; j.) course = studenttype.course;
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 01:40
Writing a modular program in visual c++. i am new to this and not sure what i am missing. i am getting the following error: baddate.cpp: in function ‘int main()’: baddate.cpp: 50: 3: error: ‘else’ without a previous ‘if’elsehere are the instructions and code: writing a modular program in c++in this lab, you add the input and output statements to a partially completed c++ program. when completed, the user should be able to enter a year, a month, and a day. the program then determines if the date is valid. valid years are those that are greater than 0, valid months include the values 1 through 12, and valid days include the values 1 through 31.notice that variables have been declared for you.write the simulated housekeeping() function that contains the prompts and input statements to retrieve a year, a month, and a day from the user.include the output statements in the simulated endofjob() function. the format of the output is as follows: month/day/year is a valid date.ormonth/day/year is an invalid date.execute the program entering the following date: month = 5, day = 32, year = 2014. record the output of this program.execute the program entering the following date: month = 9, day = 21, year = 2002. record the output of this /* program name: baddate.cppfunction: this program determines if a date entered by the user is valid.input: interactiveoutput: valid date is printed or user is alerted that an invalid date was entered*/#include bool validatedate(int, int, int); using namespace std; int main(){// declare variablesint year; int month; int day; const int min_year = 0, min_month = 1, max_month = 12, min_day = 1, max_day = 31; bool validdate = true; // this is the work of the housekeeping() method// get the year, then the month, then the daycout< < "enter the year"< > year; cout< < "enter the month"< > month; cout< < "enter the day"< > day; // this is the work of the detailloop() method// check to be sure date is validif(year < = min_year) // invalid yearvaliddate = false; else if (month < min_month || month > max_month) // invalid monthvaliddate = false; else if (day < min_day || day > max_day) // invalid dayvaliddate = false; // this is the work of the endofjob() method// test to see if date is valid and output date and whether it is valid or notif(validdate == true); {// output statementcout<
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 08:00
The managing director of a company sends a christmas greeting to all his employees through the company email. which type of network does he use? he uses an .
Answers: 3
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Minimum-cost circulation In this problem, we consider a variant of the minimum-cost-flow problem fr...
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