
Given a base Plant class and a derived Flower class, complete main() to create a vector called myGarden. The vector should be able to store objects that belong to the Plant class or the Flower class. Create a function called PrintVector(), that uses the PrintInfo() functions defined in the respective classes and prints each element in myGarden. The program should read plants or flowers from input (ending with -1), adding each Plant or Flower to the myGarden vector, and output each element in myGarden using the PrintInfo() function. I solved this question to the best of my ability, but I still getting an error. I need your help to fix this error. I will post a pictures with this error. Thank you.
Ex. If the input is:
plant Spirea 10
flower Hydrangea 30 false lilac
flower Rose 6 false white
plant Mint 4
the output is:
Plant Information:
Plant name: Spirea
Cost: 10
Plant Information:
Plant name: Hydrengea
Cost: 30
Annual: false
Color of flowers: lilac
Plant Information: Plant name: Rose
Cost: 6 Annual: false
Color of flowers: white
Plant Information:
Plant name: Mint Cost: 4
main. cpp
#include "Plant. h"
#include "Flower. h"
#include "Plant. cpp"
#include "Flower. cpp"
using namespace std;
// TODO: Define a PrintVector function that prints an vector of plant (or flower) object pointers
void PrintVector(vector myGarden)
for(int i=0; i {
if(typeid(Flower)==typeid(myGarden[ i]))
(dynamic_cast(myGarden[i]))->Pri ntInfo();
cout< }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// TODO: Declare a vector called myGarden that can hold object of type plant pointer
vector myGarden;
// TODO: Declare variables - plantName, plantCost, flowerName, flowerCost,
// colorOfFlowers, isAnnual
string plantName, flowerName, colorOfFlowers, isann;
bool isAnnual;
int plantCost, flowerCost;
string input;
Flower *flower;
Plant *plant;
cin >> input;
while(input != "-1") {
// TODO: Check if input is a plant or flower
if (input=="plant")
plant = new Plant();
plant->SetPlantName(plantName);< br /> plant->SetPlantCost(plantCost);< br /> myGarden. push_back(plant);
else if(input=="flower")
isAnnual = (isann=="true");
flower = new Flower();
flower->SetPlantName(flowerName) ;
flower->SetPlantCost(flowerCost) ;
flower->SetPlantType(isAnnual);< br /> flower->SetColorOfFlowers(colorO fFlowers);
myGarden. push_back(flower);
// Store as a plant object or flower object
// Add to the vector myGarden
cin >> input;
// TODO: Call the method PrintVector to print myGarden
for (size_t i = 0; i < myGarden. size(); ++i) {
delete myGarden. at(i);
return 0;
Plant. h
#ifndef PLANTH
#define PLANTH
using namespace std;
class Plant {
virtual ~Plant();
void SetPlantName(string userPlantName);
string GetPlantName() const;
void SetPlantCost(int userPlantCost);
int GetPlantCost() const;
virtual void PrintInfo() const;
string plantName;
int plantCost;
Plant. cpp
#include "Plant. h"
Plant::~Plant() {};
void Plant::SetPlantName(string userPlantName) {
plantName = userPlantName;
string Plant::GetPlantName() const {
return plantName;
void Plant::SetPlantCost(int userPlantCost) {
plantCost = userPlantCost;
int Plant::GetPlantCost() const {
return plantCost;
void Plant::PrintInfo() const {
cout << "Plant Information:" << endl;
cout << " Plant name: " << plantName << endl;
cout << " Cost: " << plantCost << endl;
Flower. h
#ifndef FLOWERH
#define FLOWERH
#include "Plant. h"
using namespace std;
class Flower : public Plant {
void SetPlantType(bool userIsAnnual);
bool GetPlantType() const;
void SetColorOfFlowers(string userColorOfFlowers);
string GetColorOfFlowers() const;
void PrintInfo() const;
bool isAnnual;
string colorOfFlowers;
Flower. cpp
#include "Flower. h"
void Flower::SetPlantType(bool userIsAnnual) {
isAnnual = userIsAnnual;
bool Flower::GetPlantType() const {
return isAnnual;
void Flower::SetColorOfFlowers(string userColorOfFlowers) {
colorOfFlowers = userColorOfFlowers;
string Flower::GetColorOfFlowers() const {
return colorOfFlowers;
void Flower::PrintInfo() const {
cout << "Plant Information:" << endl;
cout << " Plant name: " << plantName << endl;
cout << " Cost: " << plantCost << endl;
cout << " Annual: " << boolalpha << isAnnual << endl;
cout << " Color of flowers: " << colorOfFlowers << endl;

Answers: 1

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Given a base Plant class and a derived Flower class, complete main() to create a vector called myGar...
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