
Tom is a salesman who is trying to print a 3-page report to the network printer located in the Sales department’s office space. He walks over to the printer but doesn’t see the pages in the printer’s output tray. He checks the on-screen display of the printer, but he doesn’t see any errors listed. Tom tries a few more times, but he gets the same results. Frustrated, Tom selects the network printer for the Customer Service department and sends his print job there. He walks over to their offices and finds his 3-page report sitting in that printer’s output tray. Tom asks you to help him solve this printing problem. What action should you take FIRST to help solve Tom’s problem?

Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 22:00
Problems: 1. using textbooks, reference books, and internet as your source of research, draw the following microprocessor microarchitectures i. intel 8086 ii. motorola 68000 i atmel atmega32 iv. mips single cycle v. arm cortex-m3 write an hdl module for a hexadecimal seven-segment display decoder. the input is 4-bit binary representing a hex number (0-f), and the output is 8-bit seven segment display bits (a-h). thus, the decoder must handle the digits 10 - 15 to display a-f respectively, in addition to 0-9 numbers. 2. design a 4-bit left and right rotator (both outputs). first sketch schematic diagrams of your design. then implement your design using hdl coding. 3. 4. design a modified priority encoder that receives an 8-bit input, a7: 0 and produces a 3-bit output, y2o. y indicates the most significant bit of the input that is true. y should be 0 if none of the inputs are true. give a simplified boolean equation, sketch a schematic, and write an hdl code. 5.write an 8: 1 multiplexer module called mux8 with selection inputs s, data input d, and data output y. data input (d) and data output (v) are 32-bit wide
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 01:00
)a grad student comes up with the following algorithm to sort an array a[1..n] that works by first sorting the first 2/3rds of the array, then sorting the last 2/3rds of the (resulting) array, and finally sorting the first 2/3rds of the new array. 1: function g-sort(a, n) . takes as input an array of n numbers, a[1..n] 2: g-sort-recurse(a, 1, n) 3: end function 4: function g-sort-recurse(a, `, u) 5: if u ⒠` ≤ 0 then 6: return . 1 or fewer elements already sorted 7: else if u ⒠` = 1 then . 2 elements 8: if a[u] < a[`] then . swap values 9: temp ↠a[u] 10: a[u] ↠a[`] 11: a[`] ↠temp 12: end if 13: else . 3 or more elements 14: size ↠u ⒠` + 1 15: twothirds ↠d(2 ◠size)/3e 16: g-sort-recurse(a, `, ` + twothirds ⒠1) 17: g-sort-recurse(a, u ⒠twothirds + 1, u) 18: g-sort-recurse(a, `, ` + twothirds ⒠1) 19: end if 20: end function first (5 pts), prove that the algorithm correctly sorts the numbers in the array (in increasing order). after showing that it correctly sorts 1 and 2 element intervals, you may make the (incorrect) assumption that the number of elements being passed to g-sort-recurse is always a multiple of 3 to simplify the notation (and drop the floors/ceilings).
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Tom is a salesman who is trying to print a 3-page report to the network printer located in the Sales...
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