English, 01.08.2019 20:10 genesis0523

Voluntourism: an opportunity too good to be true a speech to the student body of evergreen high [1] picture this: it's spring break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. there's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and people at the same time. however, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. while many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference. [2] most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. however, what if you found out the children you are "" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? dale rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to ." [3] proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. with voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. for example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (schulten). or, they arrive to teach english but instead take selfies with the locals. one world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (carlos). the voluntour experience is a mirage. the voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved. [4] if you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. you can volunteer in your local community. give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. serve monthly dinners to the homeless. be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. in fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (michaels). [5] there is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (rolfe)? could that travel money be better spent? if the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. if you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. if you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. if you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best them after you've returned home. but do not voluntour. [6] in reality, there are better ways to make a difference. voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. so, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation. "the opportunity of a lifetime" both texts (the speech and the advertisement) address voluntourism. however, each text has a different purpose, which is reflected by the details each writer chose to include. consider the words and images used. in a paragraph of 6-8 sentences, identify what each text emphasizes and explain how that emphasis reveals each author's position on voluntourism. be sure to state each author's position and include evidence from both texts to support your analysis.

Answers: 2

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 23:10
Select the correct text in the passage. which sentence in this excerpt from abraham lincoln's second inaugural address conveys that he wanted the us civil war to end as soon as possible? neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. both read the same bible and pray to the same god, and each invokes his aid against the other. it may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just inging their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. the prayers of both could not be answered. that of neither has been answered fully. the almighty has his own purposes. "woe unto the world because of offenses, for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh" if we shall suppose that american slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of god, must needs come, but which, having continued through his appointed time, he now wills to remove, and that he gives to both north and south this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living god always ascribe to him? fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. yet, if god wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the lord are true and righteous altogether." reset next
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 01:00
One way to show a character is a) to use dialogue b) use dynamic sentences c) interview friends d) share details
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 04:00
Why does the author of exploring the titanic give background information about his youth and education? to show his lifelong love for the ocean
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 06:30
Read the excerpts from "the royal house of thebes" and "the story of a warrior queen." "we are women," she told her sister. "we must obey. we have no strength to defy the state." "choose your own part," antigone said. "i go to bury the brother i love." "you are not strong enough," ismene cried. "why, then when my strength fails," antigone answered, "i will give up." she left her sister; ismene dared not follow her. —"the royal house of thebes" again and again the romans were defeated, till it almost seemed as if the britons really would succeed in driving them out of the country. boadicea herself led the soldiers, encouraging them with her brave words. "it is better to die with honor than to live in slavery," she said. "i am a woman, but i would rather die than yield. will you follow me, men? " and of course the men followed her gladly. —"the story of a warrior queen" how are the archetypes presented in these two passages different? the first passage shows antigone as a warrior, and the second passage shows boadicea as a tragic heroine. the first passage shows antigone as a tragic heroine, and the second passage shows boadicea as a sage. the first passage shows antigone as a rebel, and the second passage shows boadicea as a warrior. the first passage shows antigone as a villain, and the second passage shows boadicea as a sage.
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Voluntourism: an opportunity too good to be true a speech to the student body of evergreen high [1]...
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