English, 29.11.2020 06:10 irelandcrawford5469

WHO LIKES MY STORY??? This woman is wanted for over 80 murders within a 4 week time period. More than once, She herded 3 families into one house. Then murdered them all in the basement. All of the families would be going on vacation the next day. So no one would come to look for them. She would stay with them for about a week, then take them to the basement youngest to oldest, the dad was always last. She made him watch her slowly kill the youngest children first then the mother then she slowly tortured him. All she did was slowly cut open his cheeks and other open areas like his legs and stuff. Then she stuffed him with stuffing. And turned him into a taxidermied person. That’s how all of the men were found. Just taxidermied men. But, she would always stuff some kind of poison into their chest. When they were cut open in the morgue, the poison would go everywhere. And no one could ever examine the bodies without getting poisoned, and passing out.
So this is what we think she does. We think she finds a family with a mom, dad, son, daughter, and a dog. She gets to know them super well, then when she finally finds out that they are going on a vacation, she goes to their house in the middle of the night and keeps them in their house for about a week. During that week, she makes them act normal. And if anybody screams she says she will slowly cut off all of their skin. But, keep them alive until she kills the rest of them. And she shows them a picture of it, someone’s skin. Plus, a video of her doing it, too. Then she takes them downstairs at gunpoint. When they all arrive in the basement, she ties each and every one of them up into a chair. Then she glues everyone's eyes open. At that point when the glue is finally dry, she puts drops of water into everyone's eyes so they don't dry out while she is killing them. She takes the youngest child and quickly makes cuts on their arms, legs, and stomach. She does that to all of the people except the dad. Which at that point, she slowly cuts him open, and takes out all of his organs. And everything else. Then she quickly puts the stuffing into his body with the little packet of poison. Then she stays the night, cleans up the house. And leaves mid-day. To find yet another family.
Eventually she killed a cop's family. Without the cop. The policeman was the one who found his family like that, but instead of him being the “ taxidermied man” it was his brother. The policeman's name was Joe and his brother’s name was Michael (Joe’s wife had a twin that nobody knew about). When Joe finally got over the murder he found a new girlfriend named Dianna. She wanted to help him avenge his brother. He said no, but she continued searching for the woman. When she finally found who she “THOUGHT” was the murderer, she found where the woman lived and went to her house in the middle of the night. She took and slowly peeled the woman’s skin off with a potato peeler. Then she took and found a knife and she slowly cut off all of the woman’s body parts. She stuffed each one with stuffing and Dianna sewed each one up and wrapped them with wrapping paper. After that she went home and put it all underneath the christmas tree for Joe. And at that point, the murderer had killed over 80 families within a 2 year period. When Joe found all of the body parts he turned them into the police. It turned out that those pieces were from Joe’s actual wife. Her twin was just babysitting Joe’s kids with Michael. When Joe asked Dianna what happened she said “I don’t know. Who are you anyway?” When he answered. She said “I’m just a 13 year old girl, why would I be dating a 36 year old man?” Joe said “No, you're actually 32 years old.” At that point Dianna started babbling on about her name not being Dianna and that her name was Mary, And Jane. And all of these other women. Then Joe took her to a therapist named Jake. He said that this woman had Multiple Personality Disorder and that it was untreatable. So she would have to get locked up for the rest of her life.
Then one night while being locked up, Dianna got out and decided to kill again. She made a huge worldwide video stating that she was the ax-murderer. That was when she went on a rampage. Anyone she saw on the street, she shot and killed them. Anyone who decided to try to leave their house, she shot and killed. It went on like this for about 2 months before Jenna, a person who LOVES to get revenge, caught up with her while she was sleeping. Jenna found her asleep in an ally. Then she slowly cut her up and strung up each and everyone of Dianna’s fingers and toes, and all other body parts. She made sure they were all about the size of a newborn baby's eyes. Then she set out and delivered one necklace to each and every house in california. She put a microchip in every necklace. As soon as someone put it on, the necklace would tighten and kill them, too.

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