English, 01.12.2020 23:50 janeou17xn

Answer the following text-dependent questions. These questions come from page 72 in your Springboard textbook. Refer back to the speech by Obama (pages 68-72) to answer the questions. 1. Key Ideas and Details: The president begins his speech with statements about the audience’s feelings and then a story about his own childhood. Why does he begin his speech in this way?

To help the audience understand he cares about them and their opinions. The story about his childhood is to let the audience know he is a person who has struggled, and overcame them and became someone more.

2. Key Ideas and Details: What is the main idea of this speech?

3. Craft and Structure: What rhetorical appeal (logos, ethos, or pathos) is represented by the hypothetical situations in paragraph 9?

4. Craft and Structure: What type of appeal is most prominent in paragraphs 13-16? Why might the speaker choose to include his own personal story here?

5. Craft and Structure: In paragraph 17, what is the effect of the president’s repeated use of the word maybe?

6. Craft and Structure: In paragraphs 18-24, what does the president do to overcome potential resistance by his audience? Does this approach rely more on logos or pathos? Explain.

7. Craft and Structure: What is the purpose of the questions the president asks in paragraph 34?

8. Working from the text:
Review the rhetorical appeals definitions at the beginning of the activity. Find one example of each appeal from President Obama’s speech and write the quote next to the appropriate rhetorical appeal.

Logos: (Text)

Pathos: (Audience)

Ethos: (Speaker)

Answers: 3

Another question on English

English, 22.06.2019 02:50
“the bane of the internet” is written in first-person subjective point of view, so the narrator a) tells the story as it is happening b)tells the story as it is happened in the past c)is a minor character who tells the story as it is happening d)none of the above
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 04:00
Excerpt from 100% - the story of a patriot upton sinclair 10 so peter walked along, with his belt drawn tight, and his restless blue eyes wandering here and there, looking for a place to get a meal. there were jobs to be had, but they were hard jobs, and peter wanted an easy one. there are people in this world who live by their muscles, and others who live by their wits; peter belonged to the latter class; and had missed many a meal rather than descend in the social scale. 11 peter looked into the faces of everyone he passed, searching for a possible opening. some returned his glance, but never for more than a second, for they saw an insignificant looking man, undersized, undernourished, and with one shoulder higher than the other, a weak chin and mouth, crooked teeth, and a brown moustache too feeble to hold itself up at the corners. peters' straw hat had many straws missing, his second-hand brown suit was become third-hand, and his shoes were turning over at the sides. in a city where everybody was "hustling," everybody, as they phrased it, "on the make," why should anyone take a second glance at peter gudge? why should anyone care about the restless soul hidden inside him, or dream that peter was, in his own obscure way, a sort of genius? no one did care; no one did dream. 12 it was about two o'clock of an afternoon in july, and the sun beat down upon the streets of american city. there were crowds upon the streets, and peter noticed that everywhere were flags and bunting. once or twice he heard the strains of distant music, and wondered what was "up." peter had not been reading the newspapers; all his attention bad been taken up by the quarrels of the smithers faction and the lunk faction in the first apostolic church, otherwise known as the holy rollers, and great events that had been happening in the world outside were of no concern to him. peter knew vaguely that on the other side of the world half a dozen mighty nations were locked together in a grip of death; the whole earth was shaken with their struggles, and peter had felt a bit of the trembling now and then. but peter did not know that his own country had anything to do with this european quarrel, and did not know that certain great interests throughout the country had set themselves to rouse the public to action. based on the author's characterization of peter in paragraphs 10, 11, and 12, which word best describes him? a) industrious b) loyal c) patriotic d) poor
Answers: 3
English, 22.06.2019 05:10
Blogs differ from most other online text sources because they o focus on news and information. allow readers to interact with each other. are usually updated every day. can be updated with new information.
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 06:00
Although alice walker published a number of essays, poetry collections, and stories during the 1970s, her third novel, the color purple, ) which was published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim in that it won both the national book award as well as the pulitzer prize (b) published in 1982, bringing her the widest acclaim by winning both the national book award and the pulitzer prize (c) published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim, winning both the national book award and the pulitzer prize (d) was published in 1982 and which, winning both the national book award and the pulitzer prize, brought her the widest acclaim (e) was published in 1982, winning both the national book award as well as the pulitzer prize, and bringing her the widest acclaim
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Answer the following text-dependent questions. These questions come from page 72 in your Springboard...
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