Health, 06.05.2020 01:57 jr294

The inspection revealed a barrel chest, clubbing of his fingers and toes, cyanotic skin, and pitting edema (2+) around his ankles. His breathing was labored; he was pursed-lip breathing, using his accessory muscles of respiration, and he appeared weak. He had a frequent weak cough productive of large amounts of thick, yellow sputum. Vital signs were as follows: BP 190/115, HR 125 bpm, RR 30 breaths/min, oral temperature 37 ° C. Tactile fremitus was present over both lung fields, and hyperresonant percussion notes were produced both anteriorly and posteriorly. Bilateral rhonchi were auscultated. His abdomen was soft and not tender. Bowel sounds were active. On room air his arterial blood gas values were as follows: pH 7.53, PaC02 56 mmHg, Pa02 64 mmHg, HC03 33 mmol/L. review of his chart showed that on his last hospital discharge, his baseline ABG’s on 2 L/min 02 were as follows: pH 7.39, PaC02 85, mmHg, Pa02 64 mmHg, HC03 38 mmol/L. His carboxyhemoglobin level was 6%. His chest x-ray on this admission showed severe hyperinflation with depressed hemidiaphragms (refer to page 183 for reference). No acute infiltrates were apparent. His heart size was normal. His CBC values were all normal except for hct of 58% and hgb of 16.5. The attending physician ordered a respiratory care consult. The following order was written in the patient’s chart: "All efforts should be made to keep the patient off the ventilator.
A. Classify his baseline ABG.
B. Classify his current ABG.
C. Using the terms from of your Respiratory Disease, which term would be used to describe his current ABG?

Answers: 2

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The herpes viruses are important enveloped dna viruses that cause disease in vertebrates and in some invertebrates such as oysters. some of the human forms are herpes simplex virus (hsv) types i and ii, causing facial and genital lesions, and the varicella zoster virus (vsv), causing chicken pox and shingles. each of these three actively infects nervous tissue. primary infections are fairly mild, but the virus is not then cleared from the host; rather, viral genomes are maintained in cells in a latent phase. the virus can later reactivate, replicate again, and infect electron micrographs of hsv infection, it can be seen that the intact virus initially reacts with cell surface proteoglycans, then with specific receptors. this is later followed by viral capsids docking with nuclear pores. afterward, the capsids go from being full to being "empty." which of the following best fits these observations? a) viral capsids are needed for the cell to become infected; only the capsids enter the nucleus.b) the viral envelope is not required for infectivity, since the envelope does not enter the nucleus.c) only the genetic material of the virus is involved in the cell's infectivity, and is injected like the genome of a phage.d) the viral envelope mediates entry into the cell, the capsid mediates entry into the nuclear membrane, and the genome is all that enters the nucleus.
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The inspection revealed a barrel chest, clubbing of his fingers and toes, cyanotic skin, and pitting...
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