History, 02.07.2019 14:00 caylah5921

How did the declaration's accusations against the king affect the setup of the new american government under the constitution?

Answers: 1

Another question on History

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Fill in the table below with your annotations
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The baltic sea has been called a scandinavian mediterranean explain why that comparison seems logical
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What was one effect of the emancipation proclamation on african americans in the north?
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History, 22.06.2019 10:30
Will mark ! how was the appointment of two consuls during the roman republic an example of a democratic principle?one consul represented patricians and one represented plebeians, so that all citizens had representation. each consul had control over the same number of military legions, which prevented either one from a forceful takeover. consuls had to agree on all decisions, which prevented any one person from gaining too much power. consuls had to make decisions based on majority rule in the senate.
Answers: 1
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How did the declaration's accusations against the king affect the setup of the new american governme...
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