History, 04.12.2021 08:30 DisneyGirl11

According to the Ottoman Government's Proclamation Ordering the Deportation of the Armenian, which was not a justification for their deportation? A. The Armenians attempted to destroy the peace and security of the Ottoman state
B. It was for the preservation of the order and security of the country.
C. It was for the welfare of the Armenian societies.
D. The Armenians had committed crimes against the state.

Reference: Ottoman Government's Proclamation Ordering the Deportation of the Armenians.
Context: At the beginning of the 20th century, there were between 2 and 2.5 million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire, and millions of Armenians also lived beyond the eastern border of the Ottoman Empire, in territory held by Russia. The Turks’ Anti-Armenian feelings in the Ottoman Empire erupted into mass violence several times in the late 19th and early 20th centuries When the nationalistic Young Turks party came to power in 1908, violence against Armenians became much more common. Because the main goal of the nationalistic Turkish government was to “Turkify” the empire (to make all the people in the empire follow Turkish culture), policies became less tolerant of non-Turks and Christians over time. In October 1914, the Ottoman Empire entered World War I on the side of Germany and attacked Russia. Since the vilayets where many Armenians lived were near the Russian-Ottoman border, which was now a war front, the Ottoman government and many Turks accused the Armenians of siding with the Russians. The Young Turks began a propaganda campaign portraying Armenians as an internal enemy.

Our fellow countrymen, the Armenians, who form one of the racial elements of the Ottoman Empire, having taken up, as a result of foreign instigation for many years past, with a lot of false ideas of a nature to disturb the public order, and because of the fact that they have brought about bloody happenings and have attempted to destroy the peace and security of the Ottoman state, of their fellow countrymen, as well as their own
safety and interests, and, moreover, as the Armenian societies have now dared to join themselves to the enemy of their existence, our Government is compelled to adopt extraordinary measures and sacrifices, both for the preservation of the order and security of the country and for the continuation of their existence and for the welfare of the Armenian societies. Therefore, as a measure to be applied until the conclusion of the war, the Armenians have to be sent away to places which have been prepared in the interior vilayets…1

1 Miss Egan wrote that she managed to bring this document out of Turkey by copying it on the margins of the inner pages of a book, which she pretended to be reading when the Turkish officials searched her at the border. The officials examined the book, but did not find the writing in the margins.
Citation: Alleged Text Of The Ottoman Government's Proclamation Ordering The Deportation Of The Armenians, from Eleanor Franklin Egan, “Behind the Smoke of Battle: How Turkey is “Dispersing” a Nation,” The Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post, February 5, 1916, p. 12, The University of Michigan, Hathi Trust, https://babel. hathitrust. org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015016747241;vi ew=1up;seq=334

Answers: 3

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