Mathematics, 02.07.2020 18:01 kiannadgarnica

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Answers: 2

Another question on Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:30
Will used 20 colored tiles to make a design in art class. 5/20 of his tiles were red. what is an equivalent fraction for the red tiles?
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 17:30
What is the range of the relation in the table below? x y –2 0 –1 2 0 4 1 2 2 0
Answers: 3
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 21:00
Graph the system of inequalities presented here on your own paper, then use your graph to answer the following questions: y < 4x − 8 y is greater than or equal to negative 5 over 2 times x plus 5 part a: describe the graph of the system, including shading and the types of lines graphed. provide a description of the solution area. (6 points) part b: is the point (5, −8) included in the solution area for the system? justify your answer mathematically. (4 points)
Answers: 3
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 22:00
White shapes and black shapes are used in a game. some of the shapes are circles. while the rest are squares. the ratio of the number of white shapes to the number of black shapes is 5: 11. the ratio of the number of white cicrles to the number of white squares is 3: 7. the ratio of the number of black circles to the number of black squres is 3: 8. work out what fraction of all the shapes are circles.
Answers: 2
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Biology, 28.10.2020 21:20
Mathematics, 28.10.2020 21:20
Mathematics, 28.10.2020 21:20
Mathematics, 28.10.2020 21:20
Mathematics, 28.10.2020 21:20
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