Mathematics, 03.02.2021 21:00 BriP5022

How do you get moving backgrounds as wallpaper on computer tell me for imma get a warning but it's worth it- this is the background i want but its a gif https://www. bing. com/images/search?view=detailV2& ;ccid=qILXr0U1&id=74D2F84C812A8 88230E04C2108F987FB644E5E11&thi d=OIP. qILXr0U17B3uUegVq3zJmwHaLH&medi aurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi. pinimg. com%2Foriginals%2F07%2F38%2Fe2%2F07 38e248e54504567c989a3a68068b4b. gif&exph=750&expw=500&q =yeonjun+gif&ck=DB9007E1D509660 FC0C7A2E1305D29DE&selectedindex =0&adlt=strict&form=IRPRST& amp;ajaxhist=0&pivotparams=insi ghtsToken%3Dccid_%252BwGi6rbI*cp_44 4BC4569CF48F73FAF564599F57CC00*mid_ 8245B9BF0D791CCB0A1F0BB1CBFACC8A2F0 62D52*simid_607991121490741348*thid _OIP.-wGi6rbIuJP3jbaMdtDcvgHaJQ& ;vt=0∼=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist= 0 this one and this https://www. bing. com/images/search?view=detailV2& ;ccid=%2bwGi6rbI&id=8245B9BF0D7 91CCB0A1F0BB1CBFACC8A2F062D52&t hid=OIP.-wGi6rbIuJP3jbaMdtDcvgHaJQ& amp;mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi. pinimg. com%2foriginals%2fb3%2fb2%2fd8%2fb3 b2d834bfe31eb1973088c6e999c7f4.gif& amp;exph=600&expw=480&q=yeo njun+gif&simid=6079911214907413 48&ck=444BC4569CF48F73FAF564599 F57CC00&selectedIndex=0&adl t=strict&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhi st=0

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How do you get moving backgrounds as wallpaper on computer tell me for imma get a warning but it's w...
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