
The Book Reading Casey woke up, looked at the clock, and rushed to Ren's bedside.

"Wake up, Ren! We need to hurry, or we'll be late for the book reading," she cried out as she shook Ren's legs vigorously. Ren, Casey's twin sister, got out of bed reluctantly. Casey's excitement irritated Ren as Ren did not like to be woken up earlier than usual for any reason. Moreover, she did not share Casey's passion for literature.

They ate a hurried breakfast and then walked to the bus stop. On the bus, Casey talked non-stop while Ren tried unsuccessfully to catch up on her sleep. Casey said she was thrilled at having the opportunity to meet and speak with her favorite author, Pamela Jones, and to hear her read excerpts from her newly released book. Ren wondered how Casey could be excited about hearing someone read from a book.

As they walked into the bookstore, the bookstore owner welcomed Ren and Casey. Ms. Jones had already arrived and was seated at one end of the table. Her host read out a speech introducing the novelist, and then Ms. Jones began reading from her latest book. After the reading, it was time for questions and discussion. One of the participants asked Ms. Jones if there would be a movie adaptation of her latest work. She replied that she hadn't given it much thought but was open to the idea. Ren joined in the conversation at this point.

"I think an animated film would work really well, and after seeing the movie many more people will want to read your book," she said. Ren went on to explain why she thought so, and in the process, she talked about her own ambition of becoming a movie director. Everyone listened intently as she spoke.

As they headed back home after the event, Ren was glad she had accompanied Casey.

"Maybe reading books can be as much fun as watching movies. I'm certainly going to read Ms. Jones's latest book," she told Casey.


Which sentence best describes the central idea of the beginning of the passage?


Ren relishes sleep and does not like to wake up early.


Casey is always in a hurry to arrive on time.


Casey is eagerly looking forward to the book reading session.


Ren dismisses other people's choices of leisure activities.

Answers: 1

Another question on Social Studies

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Answers: 1
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You know the right answer?
The Book Reading Casey woke up, looked at the clock, and rushed to Ren's bedside.

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