Social Studies, 10.12.2021 01:00 spycn7717

1. The river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus were centers of civilizations because they
a. Had rich deposits of iron ore and coal
b. Were isolated from other cultural influences
c. Were easy to defend from other cultural differences
d. Provided a means of transportation and irrigation

2. When the Tigris and the Euphrates would flood, a fine soil would be left behind. What is this fine
mixture of soil and tiny rocks called?
a. Surplus
b. Sand
c. Silt
d. Scribe

3. The Fertile Crescent that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers has had a significant impact on
the Middle East because this area was the site of the
a. Establishment of the first global empire
b. Formation of the State of Israel
c. Invasions of Kuwait by Iraq
d. Development of early centers of civilization

4. On what continent was Mesopotamia?
a. Europe
b. Asia
c. Arabia
d. Africa

6. The Code of Hammurabi is an example of
a. Written rules for legal procedures
b. The power of strong kings to control trade
c. Regulations on the way to conduct wars against neighboring nations
d. The power of a legislature to veto laws passed by absolute monarchs

7. What is a theocracy?
a. A form of government in which god or a deity is the supreme ruler.
b. The rule of an emperor or a king.
c. The connection between the gods and the priests.
d. The belief in many gods.

8. “If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand. If a nobleman has destroyed the eye of a
member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye...” The idea expressed in this quotation is found in
a. Ten Commandments
b. Twelve Tables
c. Justinian Code
d. Code of Hammurabi

9. The Code of Hammurabi was a major contribution to the development of civilization because it
a. Treated citizens and slaves equally
b. Ended all physical punishment
c. Recorded existing laws for all to see
d. Rejected the principle of filial piety

10. Which name identifies the region located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
a. Cape of Good Hope
b. Sinai Peninsula
c. Mesopotamia
d. Horn of Africa

11. What tools did the Mesopotamians use for writing?
a. Paper and Pens
b. Clay Tablets and a Stylus
c. Wood and Paint
d. iPads and a Stylus

12. Who were some other groups that lived in Mesopotamia?
a. Hittites and Kassites
b. Assyrians and Chaldeans
c. Phoenicians
d. All of the above

13. In order to keep cities from flooding, Mesopotamians learned to use , or the ways of
supplying water to land through the use of canals, ditches, and reservoirs.
a. Polytheism
b. Irrigation
c. Cuneiform
d. Arches

14. Which of the following best proves that the Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic?
a. They believed in more than one god
b. They believed in only one god
c. They believed that the gods walked among them.
d. They did not believe in any gods.

15. Why are rivers important to River Valley Civilizations?
a. To deposit coal
b. Were natural barriers
c. Provided a means of transportation and irrigation
d. To divide cultures and cities

16. What factor led to the development of civilizations in Ancient Mesopotamia?
a. Political harmony
b. Religious differences
c. Favorable geography
d. Universal education

Base your answer to questions 17-18 on the map below and your knowledge of Social Studies.

17. The Middle Kingdom of Assyria was located in
an area also known as
a. Subcontinent
b. Holy Land
c. Fertile Crescent
d. Rooftop of the world

18. The location of the Middle Kingdom of Assyria
is between the two river systems?
a. Nile River & Mediterranean Sea
b. Persian Gulf & Sea of Galilee
c. Persian Gulf & Nile Rivers
d. Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

19. The development of which civilization was influenced most directly by the Tigris River, the Zagros
Mountains, and the Syrian River?
a. Egyptian
b. Chinese
c. Maya
d. Mesopotamian

20. What is a city-state?
a. A town ruled by a mayor
b. A city with its surrounding farmland
c. A large country with different cities
d. A neolithic village
21. Who were the group of people that called Mesopotamia home?
a. Greeks
b. Persians
c. Phoenicians
d. Sumerians

22. Sargon of Akkadia is known for what accomplishment?
a. Unifying all city-states in Mesopotamia
b. Connecting Ancient Egypt to Iraq
c. Conquering Iraq
d. Being an advisor to Hammurabi

23. The belief in many gods is called what?
a. Monotheism
b. Hinduism
c. Polytheism
d. Theocracy

24. Fill in the blank. Cuneiform was the of the Sumerians.
a. Written language
b. Religion
c. Art style
d. Language

25. What does the word “Ziggurat” mean?
a. The name of Hammurabi’s advisor.
b. A large step-pyramid temple. Usually massive towers made of clay bricks with steps leading to
the top.
c. A way of supplying water to land.
d. A set of laws created by Sargon and Hammurabi

Answers: 3

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