World Languages, 28.07.2019 21:20 madbiebzz

Put the author's conclusion into your own words.

Answers: 1

Another question on World Languages

World Languages, 25.06.2019 16:10
read this excerpt from president john f. kennedy’s inaugural address on january 20, 1961: in the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. i do not shrink from this responsibility—i welcome it. i do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. the energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. and so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. my fellow citizens of the world: ask not what america will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. based on the excerpt, what is the central idea of this speech? a. to cultivate a sense of well-being among the american people b. to motivate people everywhere to uphold the freedom of humankind c. to motivate americans to strive for the development of their nation d. to foster a feeling of happiness and unity across people and nations
Answers: 1
World Languages, 26.06.2019 07:30
How can one not be sensitive to their plight? nobel prize acceptance speech
Answers: 1
World Languages, 26.06.2019 19:00
Enade, 2005 – adaptada) "a respeito dos estudos comparativos, a resposta de weber foi a elaboraç? o de "tipos ideais", que constituem um dispositivo generalizante, um modelo heurístico, sobre o qual era possível aplicar a comparaç? o. nas suas explicaç? es históricas comparadas, weber rejeita sempre a hipótese de leis ou de monocausalidade; ele pensa, portanto, que um evento pode ter diversas causas e que conjuntos diversos de causas podem ter o mesmo efeito. a validade das comparaç? es em weber provém das suas construç? es empíricas dos processos de induç? o e de introspecç? o mais do que de uma verificaç? o causal de hipóteses. paola rebughini. a comparaç? o qualitativa de objetos complexos e o efeito da reflexividade. in: alberto melluci (org.) por uma sociologia reflexiva: pesquisa qualitativa e cultura. petrópolis: vozes, 2005, p. 242 (com adaptaç? es)." a partir do fragmento de texto, avalie as seguintes afirmaç? es:
Answers: 1
World Languages, 27.06.2019 07:00
Faça uma análise e depois aponte quais s? o as principais causas responsaveis pelo conflito no continente africano
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Put the author's conclusion into your own words....
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