Social Studies, 10.01.2020 03:31 PLEASEHELP4528

Saving $100/month for a new car planning for college putting aside money for a house what would be the best title of this list?

Answers: 1

Another question on Social Studies

Social Studies, 21.06.2019 21:30
After fidel castro became the leader of cuba, many cubans moved to the united states. why did cubans leave their home country? a. job opportunities b. religious reasons c. political reasons d. educational opportunities
Answers: 2
Social Studies, 22.06.2019 09:30
Plz me i need a good grade ! 10 government is a government system where all citizens that choose to vote have a say in their government? a: communist b: democratic c: autocratic d: theocracy
Answers: 2
Social Studies, 22.06.2019 16:30
What was the main idea behind the daoist religion? a. everyone's life was guided by moral behavior. b. to live peacefully meant to live a life of suffering. c. family should be put above all else. d. all things should follow the flow of nature.
Answers: 2
Social Studies, 22.06.2019 20:00
Explain what commentary austen is making about social conversation based on this excerpt. your answer should be at least 150 words.
Answers: 2
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Saving $100/month for a new car planning for college putting aside money for a house what would be t...
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